what we do

We offer a range of strategy services so you can choose what your brand needs most – whether you're a big corporation or an up-and-coming startup.

Brand role

Solve your most complex challenges by first finding out what your audience thinks.

We do:
- Brand audits
- Audience and lifestyle research
- Qualitative in-depth interviews
- Online surveys
- Social listening
- Communication activity audits
- Trend analysis and more

Brand strategy

We bring clarity and focus to your brand by making sure it leaves a mark on the world. And gives you more bang for your buck.

We offer:

- Brand role
- Brand foundations
- Brand theme territories
- Brand purpose & positioning
- Brand architecture
- Employer strategy
- Sponsorship strategy
- CSR strategy

Creative strategy

We build communication plans to put all your goals and resources, ambitions and partners on the same page.

We offer:

- Long-term marketing communication plans for several years.
- Integrated communication plans that include media, PR, content etc. for the year ahead.
- Short-term integrated campaign planning.
- New product launch strategy.


A workshop is a perfect way to find insights and come up with new ideas across departments and divisions. Together we can workshop about Brand role, Brand foundations, Brand architecture and more. Or deep dive into a trend workshop.

Brand Capital

Brand Capital is the most extensive brand and lifestyle research in Baltics with nearly 20 years of data and 1000 respondents in each country.

Research 333 questions include the broadest
outlook on activities and lifestyle:

- Demographics
- Consumption of products and services
- Psychographics: attitudes, values and interests
- Regular and cyclical activities
- Media trust and consumption

What's more - Brand Capital research dives deep into questions about brands covering Brand loyalty segments: Lovers, fans, friends, acquaintances; Brand perception: uniqueness, quality, value for money, sustainability and social responsibility. Research covers 576 brands in the Baltics.


Share of search measures brand visibility in organic search compared to other companies in its industry. This is a quick way to look at your brand health and market share.

Communication plans

Any marketer wants to know the experience their customers have had. Since retail is what we do best, we can help you track, analyze and understand your customer feedback instantly at your store or other physical location.

We bring clarity and focus to your brand by making sure it leaves a mark on the world. And gives you more bang for your buck.

- Brand role
- Brand foundations
- Brand theme territories
- Brand purpose & positioning
- Brand architecture
- Tone of voice

When it comes to strategy - clarity is key. We also help you to be clear in various brand strategies.

We offer:

- New product launch strategy
- Employer branding strategy
- Sponsorship strategy
- Loyalty strategy
- Communication strategy
- CSR strategy

We use the creative part of our brains to develop strategies for local and international campaigns.

- Campaign strategy
- Creative briefing
- Campaign plan

A workshop is a perfect way to find insights and come up with new ideas across departments and divisions.

Together we can workshop about Brand role, Brand foundations, Brand architecture and more. Or deep dive into a trend workshop.

Brand Capital is the most extensive brand and lifestyle research in Baltics with 20 years of data and 1000+ respondents in each country.

Research ∼300 questions include the broadest outlook on activities and lifestyle:

- Demographics
- Consumption of products and services
- Psychographics: attitudes, values and interests
- Regular and cyclical activities
- Media trust and consumption

What's more - Brand Capital research dives deep into questions about brands covering Brand loyalty segments: Lovers, fans, friends, acquaintances; Brand perception: uniqueness, quality, value for money, sustainability and social responsibility. Research covers more than 600 brands in the Baltics.

Research based on your needs and challenges. We can create a report on any topic, industry, trend, or customer segment.

- Custom report
- Real-time customer feedback

We build communication plans to put all your goals and resources, ambitions and partners on the same page.

- Long-term marketing communication plans for several years.
- Integrated communication plans that include media, PR, content etc. for the year ahead.
- Short-term integrated campaign planning.
- New product launch plan.

Integrated Campaigns
Brand Strategy
Design Systems
Performance Marketing
Content production
Brand strategy
Integrated Campaigns
Interactive production
Content production
Brand Role & Identity
Design systems
Sales Activations

how we can help

↳ Facts & Figures


World-Class talent

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